Experience & Results

Real Courtroom
Trial Lawyer
Alabama Business & Corporate Litigation Lawyer
If you are searching for an attorney, it is typically because of one of two events: 1) a very exciting business opportunity has arisen, OR 2) there are potential troubles on the horizon for which you need adept legal advice.
Greg maintains a niche practice with extensive experience and successful results for clients in the crossover worlds of civil and criminal law. Clients have jokingly referred to Greg as “The Fixer”—whether it be in solving an existing business problem or confronting criminal charges. Often Greg finds himself handling cases that are factually or legally unusual, and he welcomes the challenges these cases present. Greg thrives when thinking outside the legal box and also the real world box, and will work with you to come up with tailor-made solutions to even the most complex of problems.
Practice Areas
If you are interested in forming a new business, Greg will advise you on the...
This most often occurs when battling a variety of governmental entities...
School bullying presents a huge problem for children and parents...

Constant & Clear Communication
The other pillar of Greg’s practice is communication. Unlike the norm, Greg does not charge his clients for telephone calls, emails, or texts. This encourages the kind of open communication that is necessary not only for great results, but also for a client’s peace of mind.
The 3% Pledge
- Hope for Autumn, a local childhood cancer non-profit. “Hope for Autumn Foundation’s mission is to provide new hope and assistance for families battling childhood cancer, to support innovative research in childhood cancer therapies, and to increase community awareness of childhood cancer and cutting-edge treatment options.”
- KultureCity (www.kulturecity.org) which champions sensory inclusion for individuals challenged by autism, post-traumatic stress disorder, Parkinson’s, and other sensory affective disorders.
- Girls Inc. of Central Alabama ( https://www.girlsinccentral-al.org) which “focuses on the development of the whole girl. A combination of long-lasting mentoring relationships, a pro-girl environment, and research-based programming equips girls to lead fulfilling and productive lives, break the cycle of poverty and become role models in their community.”
If you have a local charity you support, please discuss with Greg to potentially add them to the list of recipients.


G.F. Yaghmai